Director Morgan Spurlock, the creator of the ground breaking movie “Supersize Me” is now coming out with a movie titled “The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.” The premise of the movie is to fund the entire production completely through product placement. Spurlock visits various companies from various industries, (mostly retail) and tries to persuade them to fund the making of the movie. Product placement is a normal way for movies to raise capital, but Spurlock intends to exploit this technique to the fullest. The title of the movie is actually presented by the drink company “POM Wonderful.” The concept of the movie is interesting because it shows Spurlock meeting with different company advertising heads, and gets their outlook. It also shows how big of a part advertisement and marketing play in our society. This movie should be an eye opening experience that shows the science and ideology behind advertising.
What are your thoughts and opinions about this movie?
You can watch the trailer online by using Google or YouTube.
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